Friday, April 30, 2010


Hi. I'm here to update on my life. Hehe.
ok this post is titled isp so obvs. i'm going to talk about my isp project.
i've no idea what isp stands for but i hope it doesnt stand for i-s-project cuz i typed isp project above so then it'll become i-s-project-project. HAHAH ok not veh impt actually.
Let's just call it HISTORY PROJ.
k but i don't actually know what to write about the proj. just wanted to leave this memory here. surprisingly i liked the process and enjoyed myself quite a lot. erm idk why maybe cus my expectations werent v high? hohohoho
FRANK-LEE i think that the process waz too short. like zoom zoom zoom rehearse for 1 week only then byebye finish!!! just like that. k i know something's wrong with me for thinking that way.

k i don't know what to write already so i shall just leave a peeeekture here!

oh ya but kellett still suck